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Washingtonians Will Soon Enjoy Cleaner Heating and Cooling Options

Workers connect a sewer line to the South Lake Union Energy District in 2023 in one of the United States’ first large commercial projects to use sewer-system-generated heat as a renewable energy source for buildings. Photo by King County Wastewater Treatment Division.

The possibility of connecting your home or business to a clean heating and cooling network could be coming to your neighborhood soon.  

Washington lawmakers have opened up a new realm of climate-friendly business opportunities for the state’s energy utilities. With the unanimous passage of

How Governor Inslee Can Rebalance Washington’s Utility Decarbonization Bill

Takeaways The amended version of the PSE Decarbonization bill that passed in Washington’s 2024 legislative session is lopsided, with too many financial perks for PSE and too few financial solutions for managing the costs of the gas-to-clean-energy transition for consumers. Governor Inslee can address this now that the bill has reached his desk, by vetoing … Read more

180 Sites Account for a Quarter of Cascadia’s Carbon Pollution

Screenshot of a map in the northwestern section of the continental US, with squares representing various sites.

Takeaways Dozens of major polluters, from oil refineries to pulp and paper mills to electronics manufacturers, dirty Cascadia’s air and add to the region’s climate-warming pollution every day, even in places with strong climate policies. Alaska, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington count 180 stationary facilities that each emit more than 100,000 metric tons … Read more