A little frustration of reading our blog—or so we’ve heard from readers—is that it’s hard to keep up. No surprise there: In 2007, we posted around 290 pieces on the blog, more than one per weekday. It’s hard even for us to read ’em all.

So in the spirit of recycling, here are links to reader favorites from this year, as well as some of our picks for categories we created. Please feel free to add your own picks and pans in comments. And while we’re at it, thanks to our blog readers—some 200,000 of you this year—for reading, commenting, and keeping us on our toes. Keep it coming!

Most popular posts, in order:

  • Our work is made possible by the generosity of people like you!

    Thanks to Lummi Indian Business Council for supporting a sustainable Cascadia.

  • Punniest titles
    Poplar Mechanics
    Apocalypse? Nah
    Fuels Rush In
    Cap Dunce
    I Know Why the Caged Nerd Sings, of course, is in its own category of punny

    Most controversial (at least in title)
    Blame Canada for Climate Change
    Al Gore Is So Wrong

    Geekiest: Lots of contenders here, but we’ll choose Playing with Food for its useful gorging on food data.

    Most inspiring
    A Green Wave Shall Lift all Boats, says Van Jones

    Most applicable to your personal life
    What’s Your Walk Score?
    A Furnace that Warms my Heart
    Prius Smackdown, Round 2

    Most influential: Hard to say, but we’ll guess: Clark’s post on the climate impact of new highway lanes (and the accompanying analysis) has been cited in transportation debates from Puget Sound to Paris and from Vancouver, BC to India.

    Sorry, Climate, I Had to Dust My Keyboard wins most speedily influential; it’s inspired Seattle to take steps towards phasing out compressed chemical dusters.