This April, after two long years of COVID delays, co-host organizations Sightline Institute and Portland: Neighbors Welcome are proud to announce: YIMBYtown is back, from April 11-13 in Portland, Oregon

Drawing participants from all over the United States and internationally, YIMBYtown 2022: Fair and Sustainable Cities will be the fourth gathering of “Yes in My Back Yard” (YIMBY) community leaders, organizers, planners, policymakers, educators, housing providers, and anyone eager to share resources and strategies for building more affordable, sustainable, and equitable communities.

We invite you to join Sightline’s housing team along with a growing roster of leading urbanist thinkers and advocates, including:

  • Logo for Yimbytown, an illustration of a quad-colored house with a treeKeynote speaker Jerusalem Demsas, policy reporter with Vox (and soon to move to The Atlantic), who has written extensively on America’s housing crisis
  • Jenny Schuetz, PhD, senior fellow with the Brookings Institution and author of Fixer-Upper: How to Repair America’s Broken Housing Systems
  • Vivek Shandas, PhD, professor at Portland State University and leading expert on climate impacts in cities
  • Candace Avalos, executive director of Portland-based Verde
  • Mike Kingsella, CEO of Up for Growth

And while we don’t want to give away all the spoilers, there will also be a “Youth vs. Oregon Department of Transportation” panel discussion (the future of YIMBY looks bright!) and a Moth-style housing-themed story slam.

  • Our work is made possible by the generosity of people like you!

    Thanks to Anna Cunningham for supporting a sustainable Cascadia.

  • Updates on conference programming are forthcoming at, where you can sign up for direct email updates, and via the conference’s Facebook and Twitter feeds. Contact Aaron Brown and me with programming questions.

    Tickets are available on a sliding scale with some scholarship support available. Many thanks to the YIMBYtown sponsors making this conference possible and accessible to more of our pro-homes community. Sponsorship opportunities are still available—simply contact Aaron and me for more info, or with questions about ticketing, reimbursements, and venue logistics, including COVID-19 policies.

    See you in Portland in just 44 short days…