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States Must Reform Zoning Because No City Can End a Shortage Alone

aerial phot of Tukwila

This article is part of the series Legalizing Inexpensive Housing After decades of impasse in a thousand city halls, housing advocates are looking to statehouses for zoning reform. Many now think state, provincial, and even federal reforms may pass more easily than local ones.  I don’t think that’s because the politicians who lead larger governments … Read more

Washington Tries the Carrot Approach for Statewide Zoning Reform

This article is part of the series Legalizing Inexpensive Housing Pro-housing state lawmakers hoping to ease Washington’s dire housing shortage tried something new this year: the offer of a financial incentive to cities if they opt to allow more homes by loosening their zoning laws. Cities embraced the approach, in stark contrast to their typical hostility to any state … Read more

It Should Be Legal to Live in More of Oregon’s 1.5 Million Empty Bedrooms

snowy window seen from outside

When thousands of people are living in tents and doorways, it makes no sense for the government to stop people from living indoors. But that’s exactly what some cities and counties do by capping the number of “unrelated occupants” who can legally share a home, no matter how large. Both Oregon and Washington are considering … Read more

Poll: Re-Legalizing Sixplexes is Popular, Actually

architect's rendering of a seven-unit project on a Vancouver lot

Slam another nail into the coffin of the notion that it’s politically unthinkable to lift bans on small attached homes. In a Vancouver, BC, poll released last week, a majority of likely voters endorsed citywide sixplex legalization, with 16 percent undecided. Supporters outnumbered opponents by a 21-point margin, far beyond the 4.9 percent margin of … Read more

The Path to Good Local Zoning Reform is State and Federal Zoning Reform

California state Sen. Scott Wiener

Should pro-housing advocates focus on making bad cities less bad, or on making good cities better? Here in Cascadia, we’ve just seen some interesting evidence that relatively modest state laws actually do both. That’s because state (and federal) laws that force anti-housing cities to welcome a bit more housing can also open up useful new … Read more