A number of major papers are reporting on a new study linking the increase in forest fires to climate change. (The Sacramento Bee actually broke this story yesterday.) The Los Angeles Times offers the best summary of the findings.
This comes on the heels of another finding in the seemingly endless series of numbingly grim global-warming reports: Climate change is making our oceans more acidic, which the Washington Post called “one of the most pressing environmental threats facing Earth.”
In Cascadia, The Tyee runs a thoughtful essay by a resident of Tumbler Ridge, B.C. The author was forced to evacuate his home this week as a wildfire came close to closing off the last road out of this Interior town. Interestingly, locals pulled out lawn chairs to sit and watch the fire for entertainment. This reminds me of the Washingtonians who packed picnics to watch the Battle of Bull Run during the Civil War. Does that make Al Gore the new Abe Lincoln?