I don’t always balance my checkbook (ok, almost never, only when there is a problem). I only check my investments a couple of times a year, often when there has been a big market swing. And, call me small minded, but I also don’t always take into account in the long-term economic effects of my energy use. Like many people, to focus in on the big-picture in my day- to-day, I have to be reminded.

I happen to see Sightline’s energy counter almost every day, and it has made me think, very actively, about how spending on oil and gas is affecting the regional economy. Imagine the boost we’d give our economy if we didn’t pump $53 million out of our region every day to pay for oil and gas.

Now you can help remind northwesterners of just what that oil addiction means for our economy by putting the energy counter on your website or blog. You can download it for free, just go to this page to select the state you want (OR, ID, WA, sorry we don’t have accurate data for BC yet) or the full energy counter.

Download your free energy counter here.

Much thanks to Callie Jordan for volunteering to create the downloadable widgets of our energy counter for everyone to use!

  • Our work is made possible by the generosity of people like you!

    Thanks to Anna Plager for supporting a sustainable Cascadia.