Street SceneA National Wildlife Fund survey (conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, April 7 through 9, 2009) reaffirms research I wrote about yesterday commissioned by Pew. Here it is in a nutshell:

The American electorate is overwhelmingly supportive of a number of different reforms to America’s energy policy, including a proposal to cap carbon pollution through a new global warming plan. A solid majority is supportive of every element of such a proposal, say it is the right amount of change to America’s energy policies, and perhaps most significantly are willing to pay higher energy prices in order to increase the amount of the nation’s energy needs being met by renewable energy.

After hearing viewpoints from both sides, two-thirds think Congress should act now rather than wait. Majorities of most key voter sub-groups are more likely to side with taking action now rather than waiting, even after hearing the concerns raised about cost.

Even Republicans are evenly divided when the issue is placed in this context (46% take action; 50% wait). Finally, voters place emphasis on developing clean energy technologies and conserving natural resources as a potential use of funds derived from a global warming plan, followed by tax credits for consumers.

For the full executive summary, click here (pdf).

Image courtesy: victoriapeckham, flickr.