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Faces of Sightline, Then and Now


Serena Larkin

April 1, 2013

In the spirit of reflection that comes along with any special anniversary, Sightline staff have taken a moment (a very humbling moment) to dig up photos of ourselves from twenty years ago. You might compare them with our current staff photos to appreciate yet another facet of the organization’s improvement over the course of our two decades’ time.

Who’s up first? Our fearless leader, Alan, who joked that, in fact, one might not notice much difference in his then-and-now comparison. He is pictured with the original staff.

L to R: John Ryan, research director; Donna Morton, communications director; Alan Durning; Agi Kim, office manager.
L to R: John Ryan, research director; Donna Morton, communications director; Alan Durning; Agi Kim, office manager.

Our programs director, Clark, generously contributed two winning photos to this project, and we couldn’t resist including both. Photo 1, on the left: If this doesn’t instantly transport you to every ’90s music film you’ve ever seen, we’re not sure what will. Photo 2: Sans hair tie, avec smile.

Clark 1993_b   Clark un-ponied smiling_Crop

The ’90s appear to have spared Anna, senior communications strategist, the brunt of their style woes. In fact, one could likely still spot a dress like this on a night out in your local hipster district. (Um… Anna, can I borrow that?)

Anna 1993

Peek-a-boo! It’s Eric, policy director. He had a hard time finding a photo, so we settled for this approximately 1993-vintage shot.

Eric de Place 1993

Development director Migee followed the cardinal rules of 1993 fashion: big hair, big smile, and definitely make sure your cat’s collar matches your leggings.

Migee 1993

Jen, Sightline’s news editor, celebrated her college graduation twenty years ago. Forget moving the tassel on your mortarboard. It’s 1993—turn that baseball cap!

Jen 1993

Pam, finance manager, rocked some cutoff jorts and tie-dye for a good long hike in Yellowstone National Park. Her style may have changed since then, but her enthusiasm for hiking has not.

Pam 1993

Also going above and beyond (as she does in her work), Meaghan also contributed two standout photos. The senior development associate was then sporting the title of “senior in high school.”

Meaghan 1993_b   Meaghan 1993_a

Senior development associate Nicole sported feathered bangs, great big earrings, and a ruffled collar. She and Migee clearly shared fashion tips even then.

Nicole 1993

I was just a ripe seven years old in 1993 (Serena, communications associate)! My hand-me-down PJs, featuring Gizmo, of the Gremlins movies, may have been older, considering the first of them came out in 1984.

Serena 1993

And we think you’ll agree we saved the best for last. We bring you: Mieko, operations manager, jazz dance version.

Mieko 1993

Talk to the Author


Talk to the Author

Serena Larkin

Serena Larkin is Sightline’s Director of Communications, driving a comprehensive content strategy for Sightline research.

About Sightline

Sightline Institute is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank providing leading original analysis of democracy, forests, energy, and housing policy in the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, British Columbia, and beyond.

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