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What’s So Funny about a Carbon Tax?

Yoram Bauman. Photo credit Jon Stahl.


Serena Larkin

September 11, 2013

KUOW’s Ashley Ahearn sent in an “audio postcard” last week featuring Sightline fellow Yoram Bauman cracking jokes on one of our (and his) favorite topics: a carbon tax.

Reflecting on his work, he noted, “What I’ve learned from doing stand-up comedy is that if you make people laugh for 50 minutes, then you can talk with them about anything you want for five or ten minutes. They might not agree with you, but they will forgive you, and they will be open-minded in considering what you have to say.”

Listen to the whole piece over on EarthFix.

Talk to the Author


Talk to the Author

Serena Larkin

Serena Larkin is Sightline’s Director of Communications, driving a comprehensive content strategy for Sightline research.

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