
I found this story both sad and familiar: Australian aboriginal communities are opposing a massive coal mine development that they consider a threat to their way of life, so they sent representatives trekking all the way to New York to discourage international financiers from backing the project.  To me, it sounds eerily similar to what’s going on in our part of the world, where Native American tribes are facing coal mine and port terminal developments that will affect their cultures and livelihoods—and have petitioned Wall Street financiers to stop the flow of money that keeps these projects alive.


“Can we fix the climate like it’s a leaky faucet? Should we? Discuss.” That’s the premise of a couple of upcoming “Think & Drink” events hosted by Humanities Washington. KUOW environment reporter Ashley Ahearn will moderate a discussion between Lauren Hartzell Nichols, environmental specialist and professor of philosophy, and Thomas Ackerman, professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Washington. Catch the convo over beers June 23 at Naked City Brewery or June 30 at the Royal Room. Timing and additional details are available on Humanities Washington’s website.


Oil Check NW on one of the more curious features of watching a Mariner’s home game: the “BNSF Blast” ad that plays on the diamond vision whenever the M’s hit a homer. Given that you could probably stand on the upper decks of the stadium and hit a passing oil train with a rock, it’s actually a little disturbing.

  • Our work is made possible by the generosity of people like you!

    Thanks to Anne Winkes for supporting a sustainable Cascadia.

  • Dear Downtown Seattle Association, is there any way you can make your sidewalk cleaning machine louder? Is there not some kind of amplifier you can use? I still have some residual hearing left in one ear and it would be nice to just finish it off.

    The headline of this NYT feature piece should probably be “The Most Annoying Man on Earth.”