"Tah-dahhhh!", says Mieko.

“Tah-dahhhh!”, says Mieko.

Readers! Early next week, Sightline Institute will launch a fresh new version of our website. I can’t wait, and here’s why…

A single streamlined site

Many of you don’t even realize it, but Sightline Institute has two sides to its website (for reasons not worth explaining). Both contain important research and information about Sightline, but studying our web traffic showed us that it wasn’t clear to you how to move between the two. Can’t blame ya.

Anyway, no more! The new sightline.org will house all of our research, from shorter articles and commentary to lengthier reports and graphics, as well as our staff bios, contact info, and Sightline Daily news picks, among other things.

Speaking of Sightline Daily

No, don’t worry! We’re not about to change your favorite news round-up. But from now on, “Sightline Daily” will refer only to the news round-up (and its email version). No more blog. No more people citing Sightline Daily‘s research instead of Sightline Institute’s research. No more, “Wait, you guys do more than just that awesome news round-up?” Indeed, friends, we do. So, so, so much more.

Better navigation tools

The new site features clearer navigation menus to access our different research areas and specific series. All these menus stay accessible across every page of the site, so that you can easily jump from learning about what a Grays Harbor oil spill would look like to taking climate talking points from the Pope to checking out 26 (yes, 26!) ways to store your bike to seeing what Sightline staffers looked like circa 1993. (Er… maybe that last one shouldn’t make it through the migration process…)

In addition, we’ve upgraded our search function. You’ll now have the option of applying several filters to your search so that you can, say, view everything that Alan Durning ever wrote in the year 2013 about parking, like so:

  • Our work is made possible by the generosity of people like you!

    Thanks to Christie Garrison for supporting a sustainable Cascadia.

  • Advanced search filter - AD parking

    And finally, every article we publish will feature “crumbs” at the top (e.g., Research > Land Use & Transportation > Series > Parking? Lots!), so you can backtrack to view the full series or research area you’re reading from. Each article will also include a handful of relevant tags, in case you’re raring to read more about Tesoro or the car-free life or toxins in breastmilk.

    A fresh look

    While it wasn’t time for a full re-brand, we thought our look could use a breath of fresh air. The new site features more of the greens and blues from our color suite, all within a bit squarer shape that stays reader-friendly whether you’re on your desktop, your tablet, or on the go with your phone.

    Note that our various emails will take a little while to catch up in look and feel, but they’re in the works.


    Probably you’ve got some questions, because you’re the curious sort of person who reads Sightline’s work. Please feel welcome to send them my way and to send feedback once the site launches Monday. There will undoubtedly be some kinks here and there, so your input is welcome. See you on the flip side!