Editor’s Note 5/4/16: Good news! Due to yesterday’s tech trouble (now solved!), The Seattle Foundation has EXTENDED GiveBIG through midnight tonight—Wed May 4th. This means more time to have your gift stretched. Donate now for even more sustainability impact! Thank you for your patience and THANK YOU to those who have already given! This work is possible because of your support.
You help make change happen.
At Sightline, we are surrounded by a tireless cohort of change makers. We are inspired by all of you—the leaders and activists who use our messaging tips and research in your work to make our cities healthy and happy places.
When Honest Elections Seattle was passed in a landslide win last fall, a collective round of high fives was due. When plans for the Tacoma methanol plant recently imploded, we cheered for the huge shared victory. And as coal companies and their projects fall off one by one, we sit back and admire the commitment of the strong group of visionaries who make it possible—you all.
As a reader, you bring Sightline’s work to life. You put your unique stamp on the Northwest and you have a hand in these sustainability wins. At Sightline, we work hard to produce reliable, fact-hearty policy analysis and news resources to help keep you in the know.
On May 3, the spotlight will be on our readers, when you’ll have the chance to support Sightline during GiveBIG. On this exciting day of community giving, your donation to Sightline will receive an extra boost from a pool of stretch funds from the Seattle Foundation and local business sponsors. Thousands of nonprofits will participate, and the more gifts that Sightline receives through the Seattle Foundation website, the higher percentage of the overall stretch pool we will earn. GiveBIG is your chance to increase the value of your gift and join forces with Sightline’s many supporters for an even greater impact.
Save the date and give to Sightline here between midnight and midnight on Tuesday, May 3 in order to have your gift amplified!

Want to make sure that you don’t miss out on the exciting boost on May 3? Or already know that you’ll be busy the day of? New this year, you can actually schedule your gift right now—in advance of GiveBIG! Your donation will be processed by the secure system on May 3.
Sightline is a nonprofit resource. Every sentence of our research is powered by the generosity of readers like you. Donations from of our community keep our office humming and research streaming. Would you like to take the next step and express your appreciation for Sightline’s policy work? Join Sightline’s community of supporters during GiveBIG and have your gift stretched.
We make change happen together. The road to make the Northwest a global model of sustainability is rough and at times daunting. Luckily, there is strength in numbers. Together, we can make an impact.
Thank you.
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