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Event: Pull Together to Protect Our Climate

On September 21, 2014, thousands of Canadians came together in Vancouver in solidarity with over 300,000 in New York City for the People's Climate March.


Keiko Budech

August 2, 2017

Kinder Morgan, a Texas-based energy giant, continues to advance its designs on the Pacific Northwest for a pipeline and tanker project. But communities across Cascadia are joining together to reject the corporation’s plans and the risks they pose to the region’s people, economies, and iconic natural resources.

Next Thursday, Eric de Place will speak at an event benefiting Pull Together, a cross-border community fundraising effort to support First Nations legal cases and other efforts for those on the front lines of resisting Kinder Morgan’s advances. The event will take place in Seattle’s Central District neighborhood and will also feature music by Citizen’s Band of Olympia and free local beer and refreshments. Details below, and learn more on the event’s Facebook page.

Summer fundraiser for Pull Together

  • Speaker: Eric de Place, policy director of Sightline Institute
  • Music: Citizen’s Band of Olympia, Washington
  • When: Thursday, August 10, 6:30-8:30 PM
  • Where: Jackson Place Cohousing, 800 Hiawatha Place South, Seattle, WA (map)
  • Tickets: Please RSVP on the event’s Facebook page; Free admission, donations encouraged
  • Can’t make it but still want to donate? You may do so here.

Talk to the Author


Talk to the Author

Keiko Budech

Keiko Budech, senior communications associate, promotes Sightline's work to the diverse audiences of Northwest media and decisionmakers.

About Sightline

Sightline Institute is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank providing leading original analysis of democracy, forests, energy, and housing policy in the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, British Columbia, and beyond.

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