
The bungalows revered by neighborhood preservationists and nostalgists as egalitarian and right-sized were the luxury displacement wave of a century ago. An important piece.


Darrell Hillaire, one of the Lummi Nation elders and a longtime friend of Sightline, is raising money to produce a film about the impacts of climate pollution on Native cultures and traditions. The film will feature Northwest Native leaders sharing traditional stories about transforming mankind’s treatment of the planet and each other. Find out more and help make this film a reality.


Coal export schemes are losing their support from organized labor. The Alameda Labor Council, the official voice of the labor movement in the East Bay, has come out against plans to export coal from Oakland. And in the Northwest, a principled statement against coal export has come from Jeff Johnson, president of the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, the largest labor organization in Washington. With respect to the Council’s one-time on-paper endorsement of a proposed coal export project in the state: “If it were this year, the resolution never would have passed…” Overall, our labor movement doesn’t support the burning of coal, in our own state or elsewhere. It is the dirtiest fossil fuel, contributing to excess CO2 and affecting climate change. Our folks are very sensitive to that.

Frank Rich gets Donald Trump right.

  • Our work is made possible by the generosity of people like you!

    Thanks to Mr. Lyndon A. S. Wilson, Jr. for supporting a sustainable Cascadia.

  • The word amazing is over used, but this photo is genuinely amazing.

    It’s a little-known secret that I’m a dropout from a PhD program in philosophy where I was studying, among other things, Plato’s later writings. So it comes as absolutely no surprise to me that historians now admit to inventing the Ancient Greeks.


    Polling shows that Americans have little appetite for a government shutdown hinging on cutting funding for women’s health clinics and services provided by Planned Parenthood. Nearly three-quarters (71 percent) of Americans would prefer a budget agreement to avoid a shutdown over the elimination of all federal funding for Planned Parenthood and fewer than one quarter supported eliminating funding of Planned Parenthood at the expense of a government shutdown (22 percent).