This week, I joined KBOO Community Radio‘s Barbara Bernstein for a wide-ranging conversation about how the coronavirus pandemic shapes our policymaking and may change our calculations about climate change. We talked about the profound challenges of the crisis, as well as the way it presents new opportunities for important policies like voting by mail and universal basic income. We discussed what the collapse of oil prices means for the struggling fossil fuel industry—especially the workers and communities that rely on oil and gas extraction—and whether we can usher in clean energy with economic recovery.

You can listen to the complete program here.

Sightline readers may also be interested in Barbara’s two new audio documentaries with slide shows that tell the story of two major fronts on the Northwest’s Thin Green Line. One tells the story of the Tacoma community and the Puyallup Tribe confronting a plan to build the world’s largest methanol refinery, as well as a liquefied natural gas (LNG) project on the shores of Commencement Bay. The second examines southern Oregon, where rural landowners and climate activists have teamed up to fight a planned fracked gas pipeline that would supply fuel to a planned LNG export facility at Coos Bay.

  • Our work is made possible by the generosity of people like you!

    Thanks to Howard Bonnett & Judith Horstmann for supporting a sustainable Cascadia.

  • Those slide shows are available here: