
Bill McKibben crushed this interview with an Australian TV station. The topic: coal exports.


History is often hidden, and I admit to not knowing that John Muir was friends with racial eugenists who advocated control of the reproduction and immigration of people of color. It may have taken a century, but the Sierra Club, founded by Muir in 1892 and with a less-than-stellar history of equity, is now on record supporting policies that enable undocumented immigrants to become US citizens.

And while you’re at Colorlines, you can read about the $110 million fines Wal-Mart received for violating federal and state environmental laws on the disposal of hazardous materials.


I’m not saying that everyone bellowing about a supposed “war on cars” is necessarily smoking crackmurdering people, and destroying public documents. I’m just saying that Toronto mayor Rob Ford is evidence of a correlation. Allegedly.

If you haven’t been following the Rob Ford saga, you might want to prepare for your jaw to hit your desk. It’s really something. It’s also worth noting, as Sightline documented in our history of the phrase, Ford’s mayoral campaign marked the first major deployment of the “war on cars” language in a campaign for elected office. His success was quickly replicated by pro-car warriors in Seattle. So now it just remains to be seen what other habits of Ford’s they plan on replicating.

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    Thanks to Lynne Oulman & Robert Johnston for supporting a sustainable Cascadia.

  • Moving on to the work of more reputable Canadians, I’m very much looking forward to digging into “Greening the Oil Sands” by The Tyee’s Geoff Dembicki. In my opinion, he has been doing some of North America’s finest reporting on the energy sector. So despite facing the counter-intuitive title, I’m looking forward to watching him unpack the issue in detail.

    Shenzen, a Chinese city of roughly 10 million, is set to roll out a carbon cap-and-trade program. It’s one of 14 cities in China that will have a carbon trading program by 2014. I guess this makes it official: US leaders are content to cede both innovation and moral authority to the Chinese government. Duly noted.

    Kevin Drum presents evidence that California is by far the most politically polarized state in the nation. I was not in the least surprised to find Washington ranked third nor to find Oregon about average for polarization.